150 Hour Firefighter Certification
400 Hour Firefighter Certification
Airbags and Extrication Tools Training
Aircraft and Landing Zone Safety
Aircraft Rescue - FDIC
Animals in Disaster FEMA IS-00010
Basic Firefighting - NFA
Thermal Imaging
Boating Skills - USCG
Earthquake Response Training
Chemical Stockpile Training
Critical Incident Stress Management Training
Public Speaking FDIC
Emergency and Defensive Driving - Madison County 2008
Emergency and Defensive Driving - Madison County 2019
Emergency Response to Terrorism - NFA
Emergency Scene Photography
Exercise Design - FEMA
Extrication - Green River Officer's Fire School
Fire Officer Development
Firefighter Rescue 2004
Firefighter Survival 2004
Flashover Hands-On Training FDIC 1998
Green Rivers Officer School 1997
Green Rivers Officer School 1998
Hazardous Materials Awareness 2002
Hazardous Materials Operation KERC
Hazardous Materials Awareness 2008 MCRS
Hazardous Materials Awareness 2009 MCRS
Highway Safety for Emergency Responders KIPRC
Incident Command System - National Fire Academy
Incident Command System
Incident Command Teams - FDIC
Incident Safety Officer
Intermediate Rope Rescue
Active Shooter Response
Introduction to Hazardous Materials FEMA
Introduction to Exercises
Jumpstart Training Program
KY Search and Rescue Resources
Land Navigation 2009
Search and Rescue Conference - L.A.S.T. 2002
Search and Rescue Conference - L.A.S.T. 2006
Leading With Attitude - Green River Officer's School
Managing and Preserving the Volunteer Fire Company
Managing Collapse Rescue
Man-tracking AB Taylor - KYEM
Night Vision Operations
Operating Fire Pumps
Pentagon ARFF Response
Pipeline Emergency Response
Portable Power Tools
Responding to Explosive Events
Reducing Cardiovascular Disease in the Fire Service
Retention Strategies for Firefighters and Paramedics
Strategy and Tactics for Structural Collapse Operations
Rope Rescue Intermediate - Jefferson County Fire
Rope Rescue - Low Angle Rescue
Scene Sizeup
School Bus Extrication
Search in the Urban Environment
Search Management - EKU Rescue School
Skywarn Severe Weather Spotter
Small Boat and Marina Fires
Small Boat Rescue Techniques
Smallpox: Take the Shot or Not
State Disaster Management - FEMA IS-208
State Fire School 1999
Structural Collapse Awareness and Operations
Swift Water Rescue Technician - Rescue 3 1998
Swift Water Rescue Technician - Rescue 3 July1999
Swift Water Rescue Technician - Rescue 3 1997
Swift Water Rescue Technician - Rescue 3 October 1999
Tactical Approach to Residential Firefighting
Terrosism is Warfare - FDIC
Terrorism Operational Response
The Art of First-Due - Dave Dodson FDIC
The Cardiac Toolkit - FDIC
Thermal Imaging
Time to Exit - FDIC
TNT Hydraulic Tools
Training the Rapid Intervention Team
Training with PowerPoint
Structural (Trench) Rescue Technician
Web Based Education in the Fire Service - FDIC 2003
Wildland/Urbn Interface
WMD/Terrorism Awareness - TEEX Texas A & M